Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,
Last night in our Prayer Meeting Bible study, we saw (from Genesis 8) Noah waiting for the flood waters to recede. He was in the ark for one year and a week until things were ready for him to leave it. I marveled at his great faith in trusting the Lord when all he saw was water for so many months. But then, finally, the Lord gave him the go-ahead to leave the ark. What was the first thing he did? He built an altar and worshipped God. It would be hard to know the thoughts running through his head, but they might have included thoughts like these: “Here I am in this bleak, unrecognizable landscape, I am responsible for building a house and barn, planting crops, re-populating the earth and re-building civilization. Where do I begin? I don’t know the soil or weather patterns, I have to make all my own tools! I have no one to turn to for help, I don’t even have Google! I may have 600 years of experience, but my sons are so young, not even 100 yet. How much help will they be? It’s all on my shoulders! There is so much to do!” No wonder he turned to the Lord and with his sacrifice (which pleased God) acknowledged his weakness and God’s ability. He had just seen God completely wipe clean the earth – literally. He probably knew of some sin and rebellion in his own life and marveled that God’s grace had spared him and his family. In short – he was starting off the new world with a recognition of how much he needed to depend on God – for everything! Did you begin your day that way or are you relying on the things you’ve accumulated around you? I’d recommend depending on God!
Did you hear the story of the minister in a small town who had two gossipy sisters in his church. One day they saw his car parked in front of the liquor store and began spreading word of their minister’s “drinking problem.”
When he learned who was spreading the rumor, he parked his car in front of the sisters’ house and left it there overnight. The town heard about it, of course, credited the minister with wit and humor, and recognized the rumor for what it was.
And then there was the church that served coffee after the service. One Sunday the minister asked one of the smaller members of the congregation if he knew why they served coffee after the sermon was done. Without hesitating, the youngster replied, “To wake people up before they have to drive home.”
Sunday, May 27, 2007
* Family Bible Classes – 9:30am
* The Adult Class (meeting in the auditorium) continues the study “Crises and Crowns” — the Old Testament biographies of Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon. This week we will study 1Samuel 20 which tells us of Jonathan’s loyalty to David.
* Morning Worship – 10:45am
* From John 3:30-36, this Sunday morning’s message title is “He Must Increase.” We will now deal with the other half of the equation, “He must increase, I must decrease.” Last Sunday we saw the reasons John the Baptist believed that he “must decrease.” He explained that 1) everything he had came from God, including the ability to receive everything God gives; 2) He was definitely NOT the Christ (and had made that abundantly clear on several occasions); and 3) He was the “friend of the bridegroom” (i.e. the best man) NOT the bridegroom – so his joy was fulfilled as the “wedding” proceeded ahead according to plan and schedule. This Sunday we will learn why “He (Christ) must increase.” Read through our text – a pastor always sees three points in his passage (I looked for reasons why Christ must increase), unless he sees 2 or 4 or 5 or 7 :-). So, see how many reasons you can find.
* Evening Celebration – 6:00pm
* This Sunday evening is our second “Ask Pastor” session. Questions have been submitted and Pastor will seek to give a Biblical response to them. The questions submitted for consideration are:
1. Who is the friend that sticks closer than a brother? (Proverbs 18:24)
2. In Matthew 21:1-7, Jesus sent 2 disciples to find a donkey and a colt, loose them and bring them back, but the other Gospels only mention the colt.
3. Why are ministers/pastors called “Reverend” (Psalm 111:9 says, “Holy and reverend is His name.”)
4. What are the seven spirits of Revelation 1:4, 3:1, 4:5, and 5:6?
5. When someone asks you to pray for a specific item, are you obligated to say “Yes”? Should you adjust their request, if needed, for it to be in the will of God? And how often are you committed to pray for that request?
6. What is the Biblical teaching on how to handle disagreements, hurt feelings and differences of Bible interpretation/application among fellow believers?
That’s all for this edition of FaithFriends. Pray with me that God’s people will be equipped and encouraged and the lost will hear the good news of the Gospel and trust Christ for their salvation!
Your faithful Minister of the Word,
Pastor Harriman