June 14 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

The first official day of summer is next week – what do you plan to do with your summer? What spiritual activities and growth are you aiming toward? Before too much time passes, I would encourage you to make a plan – some Bible reading, some Bible study, some Christian biographies, some purposeful friendship-building activities with your neighbors, etc. If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time!


A cowboy rode into town and stopped at the saloon for a drink (root beer, most likely). Unfortunately, the locals always had the habit of picking on strangers, which he was. When he finished his drink, He found his horse had been stolen.
He went back into the bar, handily flipped his gun into the air, caught it above his head without even looking and fired a shot into the ceiling.
“Which one of you sidewinders stole my horse?!?!?!” he yelled with surprising forcefulness.
No one answered.
“Alright, I’m gonna have another drink, and if my horse ain’t back outside by the time I finish, I’m gonna do what I dun in Texas! And I don’t like to have to do what I dun in Texas!”
Some of the locals shifted restlessly. The man, true to his word, had another drink, walked outside, and his horse had been returned to the post.
He saddled up and started to ride out of town. The bartender wandered out of the bar and asked, “Say pardner, before you go…what happened in Texas?”
The cowboy turned back and said, “I had to walk home.”

A teenager was headed to school one morning when his Mom told him that the neck tag on his shirt was hanging out. “I know,” he replied. “It’s a fad me and some of the guys started.”
Weeks later, as the style persisted, she commented, “I can’t stand it! Every time I see that, I want to fix it for you.” She gently tucked the tag in place and rumpled his hair.
“Yeah,” he said smiling slyly. “All the girls do.”

Sunday, June 17, 2007

* Family Bible Classes – 9:30am
* The Adult Class (meeting in the auditorium) continues studying the Old Testament biographies of Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon. This week we are in 1Samuel 24-25. David continues his ten-year-long exile, and in chapter 24 actually has an opportunity to get rid of his adversary, Saul. But instead of killing him, he spares his life. And then in chapter 25 we meet obnoxious Nabal. It seems that God doesn’t allow David to have an easy time in his exile – from this vantage point it looks like character building. But while we are going through similar circumstances, it doesn’t seem so valuable.

* Morning Worship – 10:45am
* In John 4:13-26, Jesus continues His conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. They get talking about worship. That opens the door to a discussion about the difference between the Samaritan religion and the worship of God. Jesus gives us necessary information about “True Worship.”

* Evening Celebration – 6:00pm
* This Sunday evening we will continue the series Iof Evangelistic Bible Studies that you could use with your friends and neighbors. I will prepare a handout suitable for that purpose. Last week we started with, “What is WRONG with people today? This week we will do one entitled, “What makes the BIBLE an authority?”

That’s all for this edition of FaithFriends. Pray with me that God’s people will be equipped and encouraged and the lost will hear the good news of the Gospel and trust Christ for their salvation!

Your faithful Minister of the Word,
Pastor Harriman