Author: Pastor Harriman

  • August 30 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Hello there, did you miss these letters? We enjoyed our two weeks of vacation and are now back “in the saddle” with our “shoulder to the wheel” and our “nose to the grindstone.” What are we doing? Obviously… apparently out metaphors! Actually, it’s great to be once again…

  • August 9 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, I will be taking some vacation from August 13 to 27. So, maybe some of you will send me some jokes. But that does mean there won’t be any FaithFriends for a couple of weeks. While I’m away from the pulpit we will have ABWE Missionaries Alan &…

  • August 2 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Last night it was 86 degrees (inside the auditorium) and it felt like a sauna. I was expecting 10 or 12 to show up for Prayer Meeting. I decided that we would set up chairs in the shade under the trees in the back yard of the parsonage.…

  • July 26 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, This week I put a quote (unknown source) on our church sign: “Knowing the Bible is one thing – knowing the Author is another!” Just a reminder that we don’t come together to fill our minds with knowledge, since “knowledge puffs up” and we aren’t going for arrogant,…

  • July 19 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, We have been having a great Vacation Bible School this week – 47 children the first day up to a high (so far) of 56 on Wednesday. Today was our penny day and the children brought in large quantities of pennies which will be used for Shepherd’s Ministry…

  • July 12 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, This Saturday evening, the 14th, (I guess that’s tomorrow), we will be having a quartet from Pensacola Christian College giving a concert at 7:00 pm. You are welcome to come and enjoy the evening of music and skits. Next week – Monday, the 16th through Friday the 20th,…

  • July 5 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Did you miss the FaithFriends e-mail last week? We were attending the 75th Annual Conference of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC) in Lancaster, PA. We enjoyed seeing and fellowshiping with some of the many ministry friends we’ve met over the years. It’s a little hard…

  • June 21 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Next week, Tuesday, June 26 to Friday, June 29, Janet and I will be attending the G.A.R.B.C. Annual Conference in Lancaster, PA. I am not sure that I will be able to get out a “FaithFriends” from there. If I don’t get one out, here is a “heads-up.”…

  • June 14 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, The first official day of summer is next week – what do you plan to do with your summer? What spiritual activities and growth are you aiming toward? Before too much time passes, I would encourage you to make a plan – some Bible reading, some Bible study,…

  • June 7 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, We are going to begin a series in the evening that will equip you with Evangelistic Bible studies to use with unbelieving neighbors and friends. Before you get to that point, you will need to invest yourself in their spiritual welfare. How do you do that? It starts…