Author: Pastor Harriman

  • May 31 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Last night in our Prayer Meeting Bible study, we saw (from Genesis 8:21 – 9:7) specific revelation from God to Noah and his family that refutes what the cultural and “intellectual” elite of our day espouse as absolute truth (even while they claim to deny the existence of…

  • May 24 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Last night in our Prayer Meeting Bible study, we saw (from Genesis 8) Noah waiting for the flood waters to recede. He was in the ark for one year and a week until things were ready for him to leave it. I marveled at his great faith in…

  • May 17 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, I’m back from the Parkside Basic’s Pastor’s Conference and a week of vacation and Janie’s graduation. All went well and it was both profitable and enjoyable but we are glad to be back home (and sleeping in our own bed)! We brought back our delightful granddaughter, Julianna, and…

  • May 3 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, In our Wednesday evening Bible study we have been admiring Noah’s patience and perseverance as he built the ark — a 100 year project — then entered in with his family when everyone else chose not to. His trust was quite obviously in the Lord and it showed…

  • April 26 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, We are looking forward to our Spring Missionary Conference starting this Saturday and going through next Tuesday. Let me introduce you to the missionaries who will be with us. Russ Ebersole, ABWE Vice President of Missionary Ministries. Russ began his missionary ministry in 1954 in the Philippines. He…

  • April 19 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Well, it looks like I’ll be taking a trip out of the country. I just got word that I have an inheritance of 9.5 million waiting for me in Nigeria. If I follow all of their instructions the fund will be transferred to my account without delay. I…

  • April 12 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Reading in the book of Job the other day, I was reminded of a particular truth. Even when Job was so terribly afflicted, groaning and weak, he still understood God’s righteousness. He said (in Job 23:10), “But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested…

  • April 5 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Please remember to pray for the evangelistic fruitfulness of our Good Friday Service (7pm on April 6th). On Resurrection Sunday we will have a “Son-Rise” Service at 8am followed by a breakfast; then at 9:30am we will have our regular Family Bible Classes; and at 10:45am our Morning…

  • March 29 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Somebody asked me, “How do you respond to a person who comes from a formal church background and asks why the Lord’s Prayer isn’t used at every service?” My answer: I remember a wise friend telling me one time, “A good idea used all the time becomes a…

  • March 22 – News

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, I’m back – after having had a GREAT week at the Pastors Retreat Network retreat in NE Ohio. Janet and I spent a delightful, restful, relaxing, and encouraging week without phone, TV, computer or newspapers. I wanted to just spend a week with the Lord and I did…