
July 12 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

This Saturday evening, the 14th, (I guess that’s tomorrow), we will be having a quartet from Pensacola Christian College giving a concert at 7:00 pm. You are welcome to come and enjoy the evening of music and skits.

Next week – Monday, the 16th through Friday the 20th, we are having our Vacation Bible School. The theme is: Rescue Zone / Saved By God’s Power. We have classes for 3 year olds up through 6th grade. We are trusting the Lord for a great week (spiritually) and opportunities to share the Gospel with children who have not yet trusted Christ as well as helping believing children grow in their walk with the Lord. Please join us in prayer for God’s blessing on our human efforts.

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July 5 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

Did you miss the FaithFriends e-mail last week? We were attending the 75th Annual Conference of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC) in Lancaster, PA. We enjoyed seeing and fellowshiping with some of the many ministry friends we’ve met over the years. It’s a little hard to believe that it was 30 years ago (this coming Monday – July 9, 1977) that Janet and I got married and then two weeks later began our ministry as pastor and wife at Grace Baptist Church of Salamanca, NY. The Lord has been absolutely faithful through the years and it is still a delight to open the Word of God and proclaim His glory, grace, and goodness!
Thank you for your interest in Faith Baptist and prayer for the Lord’s ministry here in Rochester, NY.

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June 21 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

Next week, Tuesday, June 26 to Friday, June 29, Janet and I will be attending the G.A.R.B.C. Annual Conference in Lancaster, PA. I am not sure that I will be able to get out a “FaithFriends” from there. If I don’t get one out, here is a “heads-up.” One of our supported missionaries is scheduled to be here on July 1 and minister to us all day. It is the Dennis Jacob family (with Baptist Mid-Missions) home on furlough from their ministry in Galway, Ireland. We will have a “Picnic In The Grove” (we’re talking about the trees in the backyard of the parsonage) after the morning service, for additional fellowship with the Jacob family.

Continue reading “June 21 – News”


June 14 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

The first official day of summer is next week – what do you plan to do with your summer? What spiritual activities and growth are you aiming toward? Before too much time passes, I would encourage you to make a plan – some Bible reading, some Bible study, some Christian biographies, some purposeful friendship-building activities with your neighbors, etc. If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time!

Continue reading “June 14 – News”


June 7 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

We are going to begin a series in the evening that will equip you with Evangelistic Bible studies to use with unbelieving neighbors and friends. Before you get to that point, you will need to invest yourself in their spiritual welfare. How do you do that? It starts by praying for them – by name! Make a list and purpose to pray for them regularly. It also involves opening yourself up to a friendship – spending time with them doing things you both enjoy (may I suggest eating – that’s a pretty commonly shared interest) or doing things for them as needs become apparent. In the course of your conversations, your godly testimony will engender some questions or discussions about your attitudes and values and thus spiritual things. The Bible studies are a tool to use when you get to that point. You could say, “I have a Bible study we could do together that addresses that question, would you like to give it a try tomorrow night?” (or something like that).

Continue reading “June 7 – News”


May 31 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

Last night in our Prayer Meeting Bible study, we saw (from Genesis 8:21 – 9:7) specific revelation from God to Noah and his family that refutes what the cultural and “intellectual” elite of our day espouse as absolute truth (even while they claim to deny the existence of absolute truth)! In their insistence that everything has come about by natural causes and random chance, they are eager to remove God and accountability to Him from their existence. God spoke to Noah and his family as they prepared themselves to start afresh and anew, repopulating the earth and rebuilding civilization. He wanted them to know these truths so they (and we) can avoid erroneous thought patterns, groundless fears and the violent anarchy that existed before the flood.

Today we hear (conveyed with a sense of alarm) that the world is facing:
1. Global warming as the supposed result of mankind’s presence and influence on earth along with anticipated disastrous climate change signaling the end of seasons and food production. But God says, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”
2. Overpopulation along with the “need” for population control. But God says, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.”
3. Cruelty to animals tied to eating red meat from animals, which are at least on the same level as humans if not a higher order. But God says, “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.” God wants us to remember that there is a distinction between the animal kingdom and humanity – we are not here to serve them, but they have been given to us (and we are to be stewards of that gift). We are, however, to avoid consuming the blood of animals – out of respect for life (not to worship the creature, but to respect the principle of life) and because blood on the altar was acceptable to God as a substitute for the blood of the sinner making the offering (Lev. 17:11) until the once-for-all substitutionary shedding of Jesus’ blood for the wages of sin. This avoidance of blood isn’t set aside in the New Testament (Acts 15:19-20).
4. An overzealous government which, they say, wants to react to violent criminals with violence in a way that they consider to be cruel and unusual (especially capital punishment). They are overlooking the fact that God delegated the authority to execute His judgment (the death penalty) on a murderer, because God says, “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.” The basis of law and government is to prevent an individual from taking another human being’s life (which has value because it was made in the image of God). According to Henry Morris’ commentary, “The Genesis Record,” “The authority for capital punishment implies also the authority to establish laws governing those human activities and personal relationships, which if unregulated could soon lead to murder (e.g., robbery, adultery, usurpation of property boundaries). Thus, this simple instruction to Noah is the fundamental basis for all human legal and governmental institutions.”

So, what we have is a wise and sovereign God preparing Noah and his sons to organize themselves with confidence (in Him), purpose, and respect for life. Yup, still needed today!

Continue reading “May 31 – News”


May 24 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

Last night in our Prayer Meeting Bible study, we saw (from Genesis 8) Noah waiting for the flood waters to recede. He was in the ark for one year and a week until things were ready for him to leave it. I marveled at his great faith in trusting the Lord when all he saw was water for so many months. But then, finally, the Lord gave him the go-ahead to leave the ark. What was the first thing he did? He built an altar and worshipped God. It would be hard to know the thoughts running through his head, but they might have included thoughts like these: “Here I am in this bleak, unrecognizable landscape, I am responsible for building a house and barn, planting crops, re-populating the earth and re-building civilization. Where do I begin? I don’t know the soil or weather patterns, I have to make all my own tools! I have no one to turn to for help, I don’t even have Google! I may have 600 years of experience, but my sons are so young, not even 100 yet. How much help will they be? It’s all on my shoulders! There is so much to do!” No wonder he turned to the Lord and with his sacrifice (which pleased God) acknowledged his weakness and God’s ability. He had just seen God completely wipe clean the earth – literally. He probably knew of some sin and rebellion in his own life and marveled that God’s grace had spared him and his family. In short – he was starting off the new world with a recognition of how much he needed to depend on God – for everything! Did you begin your day that way or are you relying on the things you’ve accumulated around you? I’d recommend depending on God!

Continue reading “May 24 – News”


May 17 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

I’m back from the Parkside Basic’s Pastor’s Conference and a week of vacation and Janie’s graduation. All went well and it was both profitable and enjoyable but we are glad to be back home (and sleeping in our own bed)! We brought back our delightful granddaughter, Julianna, and our oldest daughter Jennifer (to spend a week with us). So, we will have a bustling household for a while.

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May 3 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

In our Wednesday evening Bible study we have been admiring Noah’s patience and perseverance as he built the ark — a 100 year project — then entered in with his family when everyone else chose not to. His trust was quite obviously in the Lord and it showed in his obedience to God’s revealed Word. That came to mind when I read in Psalm 32:16-17, “No king is saved by the multitude of an army; a mighty man is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a vain hope for safety; neither shall it deliver any by its great strength.” We may have modern equivalents for these things, but the principle holds true. Our safety and security is in trusting the Lord’s Word not our own strength or devices. Noah showed an enduring and constant faith in the Lord’s ability to save. He wasn’t up and down, on and off, but just steadily worked at his assigned task (building the ark), raising a godly family, and preaching to his unbelieving neighbors. May his tribe increase!

Next week (May 7-9), Lord willing, I will be attending the Basics Pastor’s Conference at Alistair Begg’s Parkside Church near Cleveland (Basics 2007 Pastor’s Conference). We will then be taking a week of vacation to attend our daughter, Janie’s, graduation from Kent State University. So, no FaithFriends e-mail next week. Sorry.

Continue reading “May 3 – News”


April 26 – News

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

We are looking forward to our Spring Missionary Conference starting this Saturday and going through next Tuesday. Let me introduce you to the missionaries who will be with us.

Russ Ebersole, ABWE Vice President of Missionary Ministries. Russ began his missionary ministry in 1954 in the Philippines. He continued there until 1977 when he took up new responsibilities in ABWE’s home office as Executive Administrator for the Far East. He remained in that position until 1995 at which time he took up his current role as V.P. of Missionary Ministries which is something of a shepherding role to the missionaries.

Joe & Heidi DePuy, ABWE appointees to Mexico City. Appointed to the field of Mexico in 2004, they have seen their burden for Mexico grow through several missions trips. They are graduates of Practical Bible College (now Davis College) and live in Camillus, NY.

Our kick-off event is a Carry-in Dinner at 6pm on Saturday night, followed by a Get-acquainted time at 7pm. The missionaries will share their testimonies and the DePuy’s will give their field presentation.

Continue reading “April 26 – News”