October 11 – FaithFriends

Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili,

Hello friends, this Sunday marks the one year anniversary of our coming to Faith Baptist Church of North Chili. Our starting day was October 15, 2006. I believe that was the weekend of an unexpected and unseasonably early lake effect snowstorm around Buffalo. A portion of the NY State Thruway was shut down on that Friday and we were driving up the next day. By the time we came through the snow was cleared so all we saw was downed trees from the wet, heavy snow. It seems a lot has transpired in the last 52 weeks – all to the glory of God. We praise Him for the privilege of ministry and the place of ministry. Thanks for praying!


The woman applying for a job in a Florida lemon grove seemed way too qualified for the job.

“Look Miss,” said the foreman, “do you have any experience in picking lemons?”

“Well… as a matter if fact, Yes!” she replied. “Let me tell you about my last few cars and don’t get me started on my boyfriends!”

I’ve always thought (don’t tell my wife) that women tend to get inordinately aggravated about certain things connected to a bathroom:

The lone female in a house, found that certain male habits were really beginning to get on her nerves. One day, she emerged from the bathroom completely exasperated when she bumped into her husband.

“What is it with guys that they won’t replace the toilet paper?” she raged.

“I know,” he said, nodding in agreement. “I noticed that when I was in there earlier.”

Sunday, October 14, 2007

* Family Bible Classes – 9:30am
* The Adult Class (meeting in the auditorium) will be taught by Jason Vigil. He will continue a study of the book of Acts.

* Morning Worship – 10:45am
* We return to our study through the Gospel of John. Our text for this Sunday is John 6:41-59. We all know the great potential for disagreement when people discuss religion or spiritual topics. The people in the synagogue at Capernaum were, apparently, not that different from people today. They all had an idea of who Jesus was, but it was based on their own pre-conceived ideas rather than on the revelation He had given them. As a result they were complaining and grumbling among themselves. We will see Jesus’ response to their misconceptions and from it gain a fuller understanding of Jesus’ life and ministry. This is good! Paul wrote to Corinth, “there must also be factions among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you.” (I Cor. 11:18). So when there is are differences about Jesus we quickly find out who is saying, “Well I think…” and those who are saying, “Well let’s see what God has revealed…” Listen carefully as Jesus says, “I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE.”

* Evening Celebration – 6:00pm
* This Sunday evening we will get back to our series on Prayer. After three weeks of studying and thinking about Hannah’s prayer for a baby in I Samuel 1, I’m still trying to find the “key” that will guarantee a favorable answer for our prayers. Is there one in I Samuel 1? What do you think? What does it take to get God to “GRANT MY PETITION”?

That’s all for this edition of FaithFriends. Pray with me that God’s people will be equipped and encouraged and the lost will hear the good news of the Gospel and trust Christ for their salvation!

Your faithful Minister of the Word,
Pastor Harriman


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