Author: Pastor Harriman

  • October 18 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Our church web-site ( has been getting a face-lift this week. I invite you to check it out. There are still some pages under construction, but the bulk of it is up and running. Soon we hope to have the Sunday messages available for pod-casting (that is, you…

  • Ladies Craft Fellowship

    Learn how to make your own gifts and decorations for your home. Plan on a day filled with fellowship, friends, and family. There will be a short devotional and song-time. A buffet lunch will be served at no charge and we will have hot and cold beverages throughout the day as well as a morning…

  • October 11 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, Hello friends, this Sunday marks the one year anniversary of our coming to Faith Baptist Church of North Chili. Our starting day was October 15, 2006. I believe that was the weekend of an unexpected and unseasonably early lake effect snowstorm around Buffalo. A portion of the NY…

  • October 4 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, This Saturday, Oct. 6, we will be hosting a Balanced Evangelism Seminar with Pete Mothershead. Please pray with us for God’s blessing as we endeavor to equip believers to do the work of ministry!

  • September 27 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, David Jeremiah writes in his Today’s Turning Point devotional thought this past Tuesday, “Many people mistake thanking the Lord for praising Him. Oftentimes we rattle off a list of things we are thankful for and move right to our requests, believing we have spent time giving glory to…

  • September 20 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, I trust this letter finds you well and growing in your walk with the Lord. As you will see from the information below, we are starting a series on Prayer in our evening services. At this moment it is a bit open-ended. I haven’t finalized the complete list…

  • September 13 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, It sure feels (and looks) like Fall is here. It was 47 degrees this morning and some leaves are turning (I love it)! We started up our Olympian and Teen clubs last night. There were 19 children who came to Olympians and we’d only set fifteen as our…

  • September 6 – FaithFriends

    Friends of Faith Baptist of North Chili, This Saturday (the 8th) is our Annual Sunday School Picnic. We will be gathering at the Parma Town Park – you can check out pictures and directions at the following web site: We will be there from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm and eat around 4-ish. The…